
Friday, May 24, 2013

Road Trip and a Bit of GREAT News

 First off I have some WONDERFUL/AMAZING/FABULOUS/GREAT/LIFE CHANGING news to share with you all!! You may have seen it on Facebook but I'm just to excited not to share it with everyone on here too! I GOT ACCEPTED INTO NURSING SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The past year I took college classes required to get into LPN school but still had to apply for it for this fall. I will start in August. I AM BEYOND EXCITED!!!!!! Hence all the capital letters :) :) :) But hey this is a big deal for me and a big piece of my future falling into place! Plus it is a little competitive to get in.

So I don't have a favorite finds Friday post ready. We left early this morning to go to Illinois to my cousins wedding. We are now at our hotel room and I thought I'd share some of my pictures from along the way. We stopped in St Louis and ate at Fritz's Restaurant. They bottle their own pop. You could get an endless mug and try all the flavors of pop they had on draft. I had the cream soda and black cherry. Then the burger I got had chili, cheese, and onion straws on it. It was amazing!!

Anyway here are some of my pictures from our 6 hour drive to Illinois.

Some giant grain bins

A cool church of Latter Day Saints. Ever since we went to where the LDS started I've taken an interest in the churches. Plus they are cool looking

A cool painting on the side of a building in St Louis

A Purina feeds office place in St Louis

Busch Stadium Home of the St Louis Cardinals

The Arch

A Wheat Field LOL We don't have many of these where I'm from

Some Yellow stuff not sure if its Weeds or a crop because they had fields of these.
HINT HINT (Midwest Farm Girl Do you know what these are????)

A sign

A giant I mean GIANT cross!!

The Restaurant we went to.


  1. Congrats!!! What an accomplishment! Blessings on your schooling! My DIL is a nurse, so I know you have much study ahead of you!!

    Great photos!

    1. Thank You Doniene!!!! Yes I have heard from several nursing students that it will be challenging!

  2. That would be canola :) P.S. Fitz's is one of my fave restaurants here in the city and I'm pretty sure I've had that exact burger before lol it is pretty delish!!

    1. Yes Fitz's was amazing!!! I wish we lived closer because there were several things on the menu that sounded great!

  3. Field of "flowers" they look like goldenrod to me! It's Nebraska's state flower! And we've got a TON of wheat around us. We actually still harvest it :)

    1. I know there were fields that had goldenrod because my aunt said that some of the farmers couldn't harvest because of the drought and so the fields got infested with goldenrod pretty bad.

  4. Congrats on getting into nursing school! I used to work as a CNA too, for 5 years before I got into nursing school. I've been a LVN for a year now. We live in a small town outside Lubbock Texas and my Husband is a cowboy for a living, so I definitely can relate to you blog. Enjoyed reading!

    1. Thanks Amanda! I may be asking you a few questions about nursing school. I to have enojoyed your blog and folowing you on Instagram. Thanks for stopping by :)


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