
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

45th Missouri Governors Conference on Ag

This past January I got to attend just one day of the Governors conference and I had a blast. This year I got to attend all 3 days and it was even more amazing!! This years event was at the Lake of the Ozarks at Tan-Tar-A resort. I left early Thursday morning in the snow. Thursday night was the first event. They had a Taste of AgriMissouri reception. Where all the food prepared was grown/produced/made in Missouri. Of course the food was amazing. There was lamb, ham, beef, spaghetti squash, jams, honey, mixed greens, meringue, and ice cream and so much more.  

My plate of food!
Dessert. Meringue made with Missouri eggs.

Our display.

Me and My friend Darrell who makes some awesome granola.

Uncle Bob winning an award. I love his Jam! It was so great to meet him in person!

This Chef who won an award for using Missouri Products in his restaurant. 

Some soda that's made in Herman, MO. 

The second day was filled with some wonderful speakers who spoke on some hot topics in Agriculture. The Governor even spoke during our lunch. 

The Director of Agriculture for Missouri Richard Fordyce

State of the Industry Panel. All the big wigs in MO AG. :)

Charlie Arnot; The CEO of the Center of Food Integrity. I loved his speech. He spoke on how we can help ease the public's distrust and misconceptions in AG. 

The Governor Jay Nixon Speaking during lunch.

Our Lunch

Best speaker hands down in my books. He spoke about some history of AG and how we can do our part in promoting AG. 
Plus I got to meet him and am getting a signed copy of his book!! 

Cyndi Young and Tom Brand some Farm Broadcasters. 

They had everyone taking pictures with this sign showing that "I am Missouri Agriculture"

David Frost speaking about Wine. Very interesting but way over my head as a novice wine drinker :)

Me handing out samples of Honey ice cream and fielding questions about bees!

Day 3 brought with it more speakers and a big section on Youth in Agriculture which I enjoyed because it was mostly FFA and 4H kids along with The Peterson Farm Bros. (and Sister). We also had a banquet that night honoring some people along with my dear friend Laurie Link from Country LINKed who, along with her son, were given an award for their photography. After the Banquet was a concert by Sawyer Brown which was great.

This is Allison Sunstrum the CEO of GrowSafe Systems for Cattle. Definitely one of my favorite talks. 

Dan Davidson an Agronomist who spoke about Cover crops


They did a great talk about advocating for AG and about their success. They also sang all their songs. It was so funny watching the videos on the big screens and then thinking "Oh yeah they are right there!!"

Then I got to meet them and get a picture with them!!!!! :)

Me and Laurie and her Daughter!

Me and Valerie who went with me and is the President of the Missouri State Beekeepers Association.

Wyatt Laurie's son receiving his award for his picture.

Laurie Receiving her award

Sawyer Brown Band

All the Free stuff and things I got from the booths.

This was an amazing trip and I learned SOOOO much about how to be a better agvocate and things about AG in general that I didn't know. I got to meet some awesome people and people who I've followed on FB for quite a while. I can't wait to go back next year!! If your from Missouri and are involved in Ag I highly encourage you to go to this conference. It's well worth the money!

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