Here are several pictures from my weekend!
Huckleberry Finns House
Mark Twins Boyhood Home.
This random sign on one of the buildings in Hannibal.
Bale of cotton
Norman Rockwell Paintings!! They had 14 ORIGINALS!!! I was so excited he Is my favorite artist!
Stopped in here to get some Ice Cream
Huckleberry ice cream on top and some butter pecan on bottom. Both very good!
The Mark Twain Memorial Light House. I climbed up the stairs to the top to see the view!
The View from the top of the hill where the light house was.
Another view from the top of down town Hannibal. That's my car at the bottom.
Where I ate Lunch
Some homemade root beer complete with a frosty mug.
My Lunch at the Mark Twain Dinette. It's a Made Rite Burger and some onion rings with Chili ranch sauce. Delicious!
I got to sell raffle tickets at the honey/wine event
The Food that was made by the Culinary institute of St. Louis
Each table had 2 different honeys and 2 different wines.
The head Chef.
Me Speaking at the Beginning beekeeping class in Columbia.
Students putting together wooden ware