Thursday, April 3, 2014

30DOB Day 2: What Makes Me....Me!!

For the longest time I really struggled and wasn't ever really comfortable with sharing or expressing the things that made me, me. At times it was easy to just go with the crowd and just keep those things myself but I think deep down it really hurt not being able to share, with others, what I love. I'm a unique soul and have so many unique interests and really until recently never had anyone to share those special unique things with. No one in my class or my friends enjoyed the same things that I did and so I never felt the need to share or if I did I was afraid of what they would think. I know that's so terrible I should have never cared what they thought but honestly high school can be hell and teenagers can be jerks so it was so much easier just hiding it.

So anyway enough with the deep feelings and on to the unique things I like that make me, me.... 

Family: Honestly I think the biggest factor that determines who I am is my family both living and dead. I have had the privilege to know so many of my living relatives but to also have a family so invested in learning about the genealogy and past family members. In learning about all of them I've come across many family members who share so many interests and the same drive and passion that I have. It's such a cool feeling to be able to connect with your history and it really makes you feel like you belong. 

Bees: This is one of the things that makes me a little different. There aren't many 20 year old women beekeepers. Mostly old men! But it's a hobby that I've really grown to love over the past few years and have loved sharing my passion with others. Bees have brought so many people and opportunities into my life. 

Old Things: Growing up with parents who loved history we were always watching the history channel, visiting museums, or reading books with historical influences. I also grew up around auctions and people who collected antiques. Today people want everything to be new and extremely technological but me the older the better! I have many collections of antiques and I absolutely love learning the history about a place, object, or person. Old things have so much more character and intrigue than new things. 

Food: Most everyone knows from the bazillion photos I post on FB and Instagram, that I love to cook! For years I've loved cooking, reading recipes, learning family recipes, and watching cooking shows. It just strikes a certain note in my heart when someone eats something I make and it makes them happy! No better feeling in the world!

Nursing: I guess it's a good thing that I'm excited for my future career path. Doing clinicals I've gotten to experience many aspects of nursing and have really felt so sure that this is what I want to do with my life! I love to learn about all the different disease processes and about what to do in different situations. Now the big thing is getting through school :( 

Books: Back when I had time and wasn't so busy I loved to read. It wouldn't be anything for me to read a book in a day. But through books you learn soooo much and get to experience places that you might never get to visit. 

This is only a small window to who I am. I have so many more interests and passions that really make me, me!! 


  1. That's so cool Erin! I didn't know a lot of those things about you. I agree with you, it's hard to open up to the world about personal things but it takes guts to do it. :)

    1. Thanks Jessie! I loved your post today as well! This blogging thing I'm sure has helped us both step out of our comfort zones a little bit! :)

  2. Erin,
    You sound like me when I was in High School ... study hard, interests in non-sport activities and avoid girl drama!

    I like your list of things that make you Erin. Keep letting your sparkle shine!

    1. Thanks Robyn!! Through blogging I've been able to find great people like you who I do share interests in and it's great!!

  3. You are such a unique and wonderful individual Erin! I love it when you share about you. I think they are some of my favorite posts. We both have a great love of antiques, just one of several things that I feel connect us. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Laurie! I might have to post more about myself :)


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